Monday, September 27, 2010

Heather of Blessed Little Nest

Welcome to Blog Relaunch Week here at Four Flights of Fancy!  I am excited to welcome my first guest poster, Heather from Blessed Little Nest.  I started reading Heather's blog late last year, and instantly became hooked.  I poured over her archives one night and was struck with just how genuine she came across in every single post.  I wrote her, and since then we have exchanged countless emails, tweets, comments and blog love over the Internet superhighway!  I was honored when she agreed to be a guest blogger.  Now, without further adieu, Heather...

Hi there Four Flights of Fancy readers!!
My name is Heather from Blessed Little Nest and I'm delighted
to be participating in Andrea's guest blogger series.

I've always loved fluffing my nest, but in the past few years
it's taken on a whole new meaning for me.  In the Fall of 2007 my six
week old son Samuel died from a rare form of bacterial meningitis.
As I've learned to live this new life of mine without him, I've come to
understand how important my home environment is. 


Before Samuel was born I would spend much of my
time trying to make my house look like something out of a
catalog, when in reality what I needed was a home that was
healing and inspiring, not the exact room setting off of page 12.


 "Whatever else anything is,
it ought to begin by being personal."

Tell me you know what movie that's from.  C'mon!
I know you know.  It's okay if you don't, we can still be friends,
but it'd be a whole lot cooler if you did.
Ha!  I did it again.  What movie's that line from?

Okay, I've gotten completely off track.  Movie trivia
tends to do that to me.  Back to what I'm here to talk about....

everything looks prettier in jars.

I love that quote and find myself coming back to it often.
I believe that no matter what life throws at you, it's important
that we all have a space to come back to that we can call our own.
For me that space includes a mix of vintage, modern, and industrial
with a nice big dose of handmade thrown in for good measure.


I enjoy shopping at thrift shops and junk sales, and love to
upcycle things to fit into my design aesthetic.


  By taking something new, like this pillow cover, and adding a few
vintage sewing notions and a needlepoint design that I found on one of
my thrifting adventures, I end up creating something personal to me.


And since I have two small kiddos at home under my wing
it's important that our home not only have an inspiring, cozy and
happy environment, but that it function as well.  In order
to make that work I find ways to combine the two worlds, like
using old suitcases to hold dress up clothes and using pretty
blankets for fort making.


I'm always thinking up new and creative ways to display their artwork, too.

So, while you will likely never see my home in a catalog
or magazine, that's kind of the idea.  It's created to perfectly suits the four
people that live in it.  And for us, we couldn't ask for more.

Thanks for having me Andrea!

In honor of Heather's work and dedication to the Joyful Life Library, I thought it only appropriate to give away a children's book bag from my Etsy shop.  To enter, leave a comment just to say hi to Heather!  Additional entries can be made by becoming or being a follower of Four Flights of Fancy and Blessed Little Nest, Tweeting, Blogging, Facebooking, you name it.  Just leave a separate comment for each shenanigan :)


  1. Hi sweet Heather!!!!!
    I loved your post. I have always been thinking and praying for you, since I learned your story.



    Of course.

  2. CUTE it....great pics too:)

    Enter my Giftcard Giveaway!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  3. andrea, your new blog looks fantastic! and thank you so much for having me during this special week. have a happy day friend!

    and yes, that first line is from you've got mail! an all time favorite of mine. oh, and the second one is Dazed and Confused. i heart the 70's.

  4. What a beautiful blog this is.

    Hey Heather, as always such a lovely post with heartfelt words and vivid pictures.

  5. You've got mail!!! girlfriend THAT IS a classic!!! and one of my favorites too! (it's even listed in my profile!)
    as always LOVE every little detail of your beautiful home!!
    and Andrea- LOVE your "new digs"!

  6. Great new blog and great guest blogger.

    Bring on my library bag!!!

  7. Love the blog makeover. It's great.
    Love the guest post. It's inspiring me to avoid the cookie cutter and do my own thing.
    Love a book bag.
    When do you sleep? You are one busy lady!

  8. you've got mail.

    sweet post heather.

  9. Heather - Your home is lived-in lovely and the way you share is generous and real.

    Andrea - Happy to meet you, via Meg's blog!

  10. I love Heather's blog, too!! She's simply fantastic :) And your blog is just lovely!! I'm going to browse some more of it right now :)

  11. good luck with your blog-relaunch. you have a loyal follower in me!

  12. Andrea, I stumbled upon your blog from Clover Lane so I'm a new reader. :) I've become addicted to Clover Lane and I'm sure your blog will be no different! My husband, our two year old daughter, and I will be moving into our new house in a couple months and I'm completely inspired by Heather's pictures and decorating style. I hope I can create a warm and cozy home that's filled with fun and love too!

  13. stopping over via your blog! Adding to my reading list!

  14. I loved Heather's home, her style is great and it was a great read!!

  15. Heather, your nest is best. (Cheese alert!)

    Really love your simple little touches that make everything "just so".

  16. Hi Heather! We feel the same way about homes and decorating. You live the "unstyled life" I am talk about on my blog. The world needs less catalog and more real life.

  17. Hi Heather! Love the pictures ... you echoed a lot of my thoughts ... I'm realizing that my house doesn't have to look like something out of a catalog OR like my friend's house :)

  18. Hi-ya Heather!

    I love that you quoted you've got mail! :)

    Thanks for introducing us to Andrea, I look forward to poking around the new digs!


  19. Thanks for the post! I love the idea of home being a healing place for us.


  20. Heather, your home would definitely be featured in a magazine. You are amazing at bringing out the small little details of life. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

  21. awesome blog. love your photos. new follower. i'll b back ;)

  22. Love the new design and enjoyed reading Heather's post.

  23. Love the new look and Heather is wrong...I would TOTALLY put her home in a mag!

  24. Love to come across new blogs. Heather's looks like a lot of fun! Would love to win a cute book bag for the kiddos, we go to the library almost every day lately!? :)

  25. You've Got Mail! :) I'm so glad to have found this blog. I really enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  26. Hello Heather!! I found your blog from our Blogging Your Way class and then clicked over here today to see what you were chatting about. Love all the photos of your home! Thanks for the inspiration....I love seeing real life homes (much better than the ones in the magazines sometimes)!

  27. I'm a new follower and LOVE your blog!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate every single one. If you enable your email address I'd love to respond :)