Sunday, September 26, 2010

Labour of Love

Hi There Friends!

Welcome to my new digs! I can't believe this little labour of love is finally done after months of going back and forth. I am thrilled to have my new space, and am even more excited to share a fun-filled week of guest posts and giveaways with you all, starting tomorrow morning at 8 am!

On the roster are some of my absolute favorite bloggers including Heather from Blessed Little Nest, Julie from Joy's Hope, Jules from Pancakes and French Fries, and Rachel from Cherry Tree Lane. Each day they will be bringing you a little piece of them, and we'll be hosting a fab giveaway to tie in with their post.

Tonight I will be doing some tweaking and teetering in here, including rewriting my Playgrounds & Lollipops section and About section. I will take a stab at it, but if I'm not pleased with how it turns out, I am going to enlist the help of Jules, because she will undoubtedly make me sound more interesting than I actually am. Plus, I gotta feel important somehow, and what better way than to have someone write your Bio, right?

I want to first thank Heather Myers Graphic Design who designed my cute little logo about 3 months ago, and has been patiently waiting for me to finally preview it.  I kept telling her I was waiting and waiting to find the right blog designer to work her magic with it, and I finally found that person in Shalon from Pretty Lovely Design.

Shalon has been amazing to work with, and I loved what she came up with instantly.  After a few tweaks here and there, we had our layout and have been spending the last week fine tuning it.  She has been so patient and gracious with me and I can't thank you enough Shalon.  I tweeted at some point yesterday that I thought my blog designer was going to take a hit out on me, but alas, it all worked out and I can feel safe sleeping at night now.  Oh, and she designed some cute little buttons for my blog relaucnh week.  Grab one if you'd like...I'd be eternally grateful!

This blogging world has been a roller coaster ride at times, and I even thought about quitting once or twice.  But I truly feel like I have finally found my groove and am honestly enjoying it.  In fact I love it damn it!  You may have noticed I added a tag line, A Life-Style blog.  Lately I've thought a lot about what I post about, and what I love to post about, and it came down to 3 things:
I think the first 2 can be summed up in the "Life" category, and the last in the "Style" category.  I know it's not necessarily the most clever tag line, but I'm not the most clever person, and I'm okay with that.  But for me it works.  Anyhow, enough rambling from me!  Off to get my first guest post ready for tomorrow morning.  I can't wait for you all to read Heather's post!


  1. I LOVE the new look - it's so pretty! Have a great week friend :-)


  2. It looks FANTASTIC! What do you mesan you don't know HTML?!? You have to admit THAT was funny. hehe! Thanks for keeping us all entertained! Xoxox

  3. Oh my word! It looks awesome over here! :) Congratulations! I know you've waited a long time for this, so enjoy this fun week! Love it!

  4. It looks amazing around here! I love the new look - seriously, it is just perfect :D Can't wait for all the fun stuff....

  5. Love the re-design! Must feel good to have it done:)


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