Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Concert Memories & Coldplay

(The Hollywood Bowl at dusk, waiting for the show to start)
The first concert I ever attended was the B-52's and I think I was twelve and still very much in that awkward junior high stage.  Huge green glasses, crazy, big ass teeth I hadn't yet grown in to, and a die hard love for new-wave music.  I sported my vintage, thrift store grandpa cardigan and doc martens to that show and instantly felt cool, if only for a night.  Concerts have the ability to transport you someplace else, someplace where the energy and positive vibes are so strong, everyone is on an equal playing field and everyone shares a common love. 

My next concert experience was Morrissey and I was about 15 I think.  I was born a few years too late to discover, and subsequently enjoy, the genius that was The Smiths, but at least I was still able to see Morrissey in concert, my first true love.  In cleaning out the garage this past weekend I found my old photo albums, in which contains a picture of me kissing a life size poster of Morrissey hanging on my bedroom wall.  Oh teenage hormones, with your ability to rile a girl up, with an inanimate object.  Never mind that he was a celibate.   
Last night we went and saw Coldplay at the Hollywood Bowl.  We see at least 3-4 concerts a year, which isn't a ton compared to some of my friends, but it's enough to get us out of the house and keep us feeling young.  Concerts still have the ability to almost make me teary eyed with eupohoria, even when I'm 22 weeks pregnant and not a lick of alcohol in my body.  The common bonding experience of music is really just pure magic.  Everyone singing along, swaying back and forth, cheering, hollering.  It gives me chills.   
I'm not the biggest Coldplay fan.  I mean they're a great band and I respect their talent, but quite honestly I don't even own an entire album, just songs.  When we had the opportunity to buy tickets 5 months ago though I knew it was probably the only chance I'd get to see such a legendary band live.  Let me tell you they were amazing and I'm so glad we went.  The show was so electric, energetic, exciting, and just good, good, good.  They sound fantastic live and his energy is contagious.  Trust me, that's saying a lot considering my condition. 

The whole stadium received these wristbands when we entered and throughout the show at certain times they lit up in unison with the music.  17,000 light up neon wrists was a sight to see. 
Baby bean loved the music too, and we've officially taken all three of our babies to concerts in utero.  I think that's pretty cool and awesome ;)

So what was your first concert that you remember?  What was your favorite concert?  And Art and I both agreed, as much fun as the show was last night, I think I'm hanging up my concert feet for a few months now ;) 

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