One can be excused from a multitude of sins, such as not responding to facebook messages, emails, calls and/or updating ones blog when one is in the process of selling and purchasing a home, right?
That is my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
It seems like mixed in with all of our blessings, and believe me, I know how blessed we are, there have been a comedy of errors that have complicated our lives this last month. If you recall a few posts back I was debating whether to stay in Long Beach, or consider moving to Rossmoor for the school district.
Well a quick update on that front; after purchasing what would have eventually been a really cool home after a lot of TLC and dough in La Marina Estates (over by CSULB), we backed out for a number of reasons. We then focused our search in Rossmoor for a number of reasons.
In the meantime, the buyer of our house was pressuring us to remove contingencies on the sale of our home. We stuck to our guns and decided that moving our family 2-3 times just so we "wouldn't lose a buyer" was not worth it. We decided we were not going to move and remove contingencies until we found a home. Well, wouldn't you know that after we finally did find a home to buy, the buyer of our home backed out! We had to quickly put our house back on the market and get it in escrow in 5 days, or the house we had bought would go back on the market.
Are you keeping up with me? Don't worry, I wouldn't blame you if you were dazed and confused. I am. I have decided I am just along for the ride.
Our house is now in escrow again and things for the most part are moving along smoothly. There was a slight hiccup due to a difference of opinion over the repair of some corroded pipes, but we got that all settled and things are back on track.
Did I mention that the new buyer of our home proposed to his long-time girlfriend on the steps of our porch last Wednesday during the home inspection? This house has seen A LOT of action in the last couple of months I tell ya!
In other news, we took the kids to see the Nutcracker last Sunday and on the way home we took a detour from our normal route to stop and get gas at Costco. A dazed and confused out-of-stater from Las Vegas went straight from a left turn lane, right into the bumper of my newly fixed car. Yes, that's right, just 2 short months after spending $1100 getting my car back to its beautiful state, a lady hits it in the same spot! If only I had waited 2 months I could have got it fixed for free. Oh well. I spent some time on the phone yesterday with AAA and at the body shop. Good times.
The pit stop at Costco to get petrol was put on hold due to our frazzled nerves and a very long line. You see where this is going? That night we got an unexpected invite to go and walk the Canals in Naples with our good friends (and my awesome realtor!), the Irelands. As we get in the car Art asks "Do we have enough gas to get us there?"
"Oh sure!" I reply. Well, we did have enough gas to get us there. Just not quite enough to get us back! As we pulled into the parking space at the Prince of Peace Pageant, my car ran out of gas. I think this is the 5th time it's happened to me. I really hate to get gas. Luckily our trusty neighbor Aaron took his family home and then came back and picked us up and took Art out to get gas.
Besides some silly drama and excitement, we are doing well and trying our best to enjoy this wonderful and special time of year. Christmas carols and potpourri are brewing every night at our house and I have been a crafting nut. I have been sewing like mad, baking, stamping, stenciling, etc. I promise to post some pictures of some of the great projects I've been working on this week.
Until then my loan officer is hounding me for more information so I better run!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Craft Fair this Thursday and Friday!

I hope you can make it!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Markings on a Wall
It has been a wonderful Thanksgiving all and all. We ended up forgoing trekking across Southern California from Rossmoor to Pasadena, and opted to just stay at my in-laws. My tired and still sick body is thanking me, but my heart is sad that I didn't get to see my family today. A first in my entire life. I am crying just thinking about it.
It doesn't help that I am here in the house all alone. Since I was moving so slow today due to still being sick, I wasn't ready to go to the in-laws, so Art and the kids went ahead with out me while I got ready. Since we had 2 cars and I was still feeling tired and sick, I left early to come home and get in my pajamas.
I'm sitting here at my computer, going through my blog roll and I start to read the Flea Market Style blog, I come across this passage in a posting:
You just can't manufacture character in a few days. This is the layering of a home that takes years and often decades to produce. It's the peeling paint on the side of a barn, the worn footsteps on a front porch and the pencil markings on a door post marking the height measurements of little children. You can't buy character, it's acquired.
This house that we moved to 5.5 years ago to start a family. This house that we tried for months and months to get pregnant in. The bathroom where I found out that we were expecting our first child. The backyard that I ran out to to tell my husband that it had finally happened! We were having a baby. The house that we brought our newborn daughter home to, and later, our newborn son.
The house that we threw countless parties in, hosted dinners, brunches, play-dates, holidays, block parties in. The house where we went from being a married couple, to a family. We love this house, and while I am ready to move on, I know that there will always be an invisible foot firmly planted in this house on Julian Avenue. And that is how I know that we did our job here. For 5.5 years, this house was a home.
It doesn't help that I am here in the house all alone. Since I was moving so slow today due to still being sick, I wasn't ready to go to the in-laws, so Art and the kids went ahead with out me while I got ready. Since we had 2 cars and I was still feeling tired and sick, I left early to come home and get in my pajamas.
I'm sitting here at my computer, going through my blog roll and I start to read the Flea Market Style blog, I come across this passage in a posting:
You just can't manufacture character in a few days. This is the layering of a home that takes years and often decades to produce. It's the peeling paint on the side of a barn, the worn footsteps on a front porch and the pencil markings on a door post marking the height measurements of little children. You can't buy character, it's acquired.
And that is when it dawns on me. The markings on the kitchen wall where we have measured the kid's growth for the last 4 years. How will we take that with us? Why oh why did I not just do a growth chart that I could pick up and take?!?! And it finally hits me that sooner or later, we are leaving this house.
This house that we moved to 5.5 years ago to start a family. This house that we tried for months and months to get pregnant in. The bathroom where I found out that we were expecting our first child. The backyard that I ran out to to tell my husband that it had finally happened! We were having a baby. The house that we brought our newborn daughter home to, and later, our newborn son.
The house that we threw countless parties in, hosted dinners, brunches, play-dates, holidays, block parties in. The house where we went from being a married couple, to a family. We love this house, and while I am ready to move on, I know that there will always be an invisible foot firmly planted in this house on Julian Avenue. And that is how I know that we did our job here. For 5.5 years, this house was a home.
I am Thankful For...
My Husband, who goes along with my Lucille Ball antics and doesn't skip a beat. His strength, humor, support, but most importantly his faith, has carried me through so many of life's challenges. I am thankful for his laughter and his beautiful blue eyes.
My Children, who lately have been driving me crazy, but whom I love so much. They are funny, sweet, wild and crazy, irresistibly cute and even smart! Hey imagine that! I can't imagine my world without them and never knew I would feel a love so intense.
My parents, who have always supported me even when I was wrong, snappy, sassy or whatever. It is an amazing feeling to know you have 2 people that would literally do anything for you and your children. I love you mom and dad.
My in-laws, who have taught me so much.
My wonderful friends. Short and sweet.
God's love.
My health, and my family's health.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
My Children, who lately have been driving me crazy, but whom I love so much. They are funny, sweet, wild and crazy, irresistibly cute and even smart! Hey imagine that! I can't imagine my world without them and never knew I would feel a love so intense.
My parents, who have always supported me even when I was wrong, snappy, sassy or whatever. It is an amazing feeling to know you have 2 people that would literally do anything for you and your children. I love you mom and dad.
My in-laws, who have taught me so much.
My wonderful friends. Short and sweet.
God's love.
My health, and my family's health.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Should I Really Make a Decision Based on Some Trees?
We never intended this house to be our last house. We always said that we would move one more time and then settle in and be done. I have always wanted a home with a pool. Art never cared too much about a pool, but we both agreed that we wanted more yard.
When we bought this home we were young(er) and looking to start a family. We wanted 4 bedrooms so that we could have an office and a guest room. To us the house was what was important. The yard here was tiny, but it never bothered me. At the time I spent 50+ hours at work, so the only space I needed was a patio to have a meal on and a bit of grass to spread out my chaise lounge so I could work on my tan in the summer! That's all I needed.
Then we had 1, then 2 children. For the first couple of years the lack of space didn't really bother me. But something switched in me in the last 3 months and suddenly it became VERY paramount that I get a yard . And not just any yard, but a yard with some TREES!
Oh how I long for some trees. BIG trees. The kind that drop leaves. The kind that you can sit under and be sheltered from the sun. The kind that you can have a picnic under.
I'm not really sure what brought on the sudden sense of urgency and the sudden fascination with trees and yard. Actually, I think a lot of it has to do with seeing how much my children love playing in their grandparent's yards. Both my parents and in-laws have giant yards and the kids just adore it. Every time we go to Nana and Papa's house it's like they've been taken to an enchanted garden. Mind you Nana's yard is an enchanted garden, but still.

It's funny how your appreciation for things change and grow. When my in-laws redid their yard a couple of years ago, my MIL kept the majority of the existing vegetation and landscaped around it. At the time I thought that was just silly. Why in the world wouldn't she just dig everything up and start from scratch? Now, I know why. It takes YEARS to grow beautiful trees and enchanting hiding spots for little children. I want that to be my kids normal. Not something they get to experience just when they go to Nana's.
So now, reader, we are at a crossroads. We are about to possibly venture into selling our house and buying a new one, all for the sake of a yard and some trees. We're looking at months of renovations, higher costs, stress, headache, fatigue, etc. We got an offer on our house tonight which is making this all so real. The time has come to make a decision. This house will be our final resting place until, God willing, we retire and hopefully move out of state.
To Vermont, because I want a white Christmas, I want to see fall foliage and I want to tap maple syrup from trees.
But I digress.
Now where to buy? Do we fight for the house with more land in Long Beach, or move to Rossmoor, with less land, so that our kids can have these world famous Rossmoor schools that everyone always talks about? I personally sort of came from the hood and I turned out fine, so not too sure about the whole school thing, but many people are willing to pay plenty of money to live there for these darn schools. Sure K-8 is great in Long Beach, but everyone keeps telling me that I don't want my kids to go to Millikan. They need to go to Los Alamitos High. So if we do send them to Long Beach schools K-8 and then move them to Los Al (because my in-laws live there), will they be all alone because all their friends are going to Long Beach High Schools? Shoot, we might as well move out of state right? that's a joke :)
But seriously, it's a lot to think about. These darn kids are always messing things up for us! I personally want to stay in Long Beach because I just love it here and have never seen myself fitting in with Rossmoor. But I have to admit there is a part of me that wonders if I'm making the right decision. I know I have to do what I think is right and not listen to everyone else, but I can't help wondering. We all wonder if we're making the right decisions for our kids.
This has mainly been a talking out loud session, so if anyone has actually gotten this far, bravo and thank you. I still don't have my mind made up. But at least I can sleep on it.
So my final question is this, am I absolutely insane to want to move out of a beautiful house in an awesome neighborhood with wonderful neighbors for some yard and some trees? Am I making much ado about nothing?
That my friends is the question.
When we bought this home we were young(er) and looking to start a family. We wanted 4 bedrooms so that we could have an office and a guest room. To us the house was what was important. The yard here was tiny, but it never bothered me. At the time I spent 50+ hours at work, so the only space I needed was a patio to have a meal on and a bit of grass to spread out my chaise lounge so I could work on my tan in the summer! That's all I needed.
Then we had 1, then 2 children. For the first couple of years the lack of space didn't really bother me. But something switched in me in the last 3 months and suddenly it became VERY paramount that I get a yard . And not just any yard, but a yard with some TREES!
Oh how I long for some trees. BIG trees. The kind that drop leaves. The kind that you can sit under and be sheltered from the sun. The kind that you can have a picnic under.
I'm not really sure what brought on the sudden sense of urgency and the sudden fascination with trees and yard. Actually, I think a lot of it has to do with seeing how much my children love playing in their grandparent's yards. Both my parents and in-laws have giant yards and the kids just adore it. Every time we go to Nana and Papa's house it's like they've been taken to an enchanted garden. Mind you Nana's yard is an enchanted garden, but still.
So now, reader, we are at a crossroads. We are about to possibly venture into selling our house and buying a new one, all for the sake of a yard and some trees. We're looking at months of renovations, higher costs, stress, headache, fatigue, etc. We got an offer on our house tonight which is making this all so real. The time has come to make a decision. This house will be our final resting place until, God willing, we retire and hopefully move out of state.
To Vermont, because I want a white Christmas, I want to see fall foliage and I want to tap maple syrup from trees.
But I digress.
Now where to buy? Do we fight for the house with more land in Long Beach, or move to Rossmoor, with less land, so that our kids can have these world famous Rossmoor schools that everyone always talks about? I personally sort of came from the hood and I turned out fine, so not too sure about the whole school thing, but many people are willing to pay plenty of money to live there for these darn schools. Sure K-8 is great in Long Beach, but everyone keeps telling me that I don't want my kids to go to Millikan. They need to go to Los Alamitos High. So if we do send them to Long Beach schools K-8 and then move them to Los Al (because my in-laws live there), will they be all alone because all their friends are going to Long Beach High Schools? Shoot, we might as well move out of state right? that's a joke :)
But seriously, it's a lot to think about. These darn kids are always messing things up for us! I personally want to stay in Long Beach because I just love it here and have never seen myself fitting in with Rossmoor. But I have to admit there is a part of me that wonders if I'm making the right decision. I know I have to do what I think is right and not listen to everyone else, but I can't help wondering. We all wonder if we're making the right decisions for our kids.
This has mainly been a talking out loud session, so if anyone has actually gotten this far, bravo and thank you. I still don't have my mind made up. But at least I can sleep on it.
So my final question is this, am I absolutely insane to want to move out of a beautiful house in an awesome neighborhood with wonderful neighbors for some yard and some trees? Am I making much ado about nothing?
That my friends is the question.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
How 10 cents Occupied the Kids for 10 minutes
Actually it was more like an hour with all the putting together of the mobile and such. But a good ten minutes was spent just dancing around it. Then it started to fall apart and the fun was done. I just thought the book was cute and for 10 cents at the Rossmoor Library, how could you go wrong? It was in perfect condition and printed in 1972.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Dog Named T-Bone In a Dress That Says Julia
Last Friday we found out that Taylor was going to bring home T-Bone for the weekend, the class dog from her school. She was very excited, as were her horses, because horses can never have enough stuffed animals to play with you know. Little did T-Bone know that he would be in for quite an adventure. A Howe family-style adventure where there is no rest for the weary and there is activity around every corner.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We were all catatonic today. A jam-packed weekend was to blame. On Sunday we were home for a total of 1 hour. I don't like days like that. By Sunday night we were all pleading for mercy and raising a white flag. The weekend hungover lasted through Monday, so during our quiet time when Syd was napping, Taylor and I sat and peeled wrappers off of old crayons to make new ones. We peeled a lot of crayons.

Clean, crisp, white shirts
Eventually she came around
We made silly faces at each other

"The teachers are very nice" Taylor
"The parents are also very nice" Mom
"We get to do lots of fun things" Taylor
"The parents get to do fun things too like read books and get together to talk about them" Mom
"That doesn't sound very fun mommy" Taylor
"Well it is" Mom
"I have 3 friends in school now" Taylor
"I am happy you are happy" Mom

Monday, November 2, 2009
A fellow owl-obsessed friend of mine will be receiving these note-cards I crafted last night for a belated birthday gift. I can't decide if I like the card with or without the grosgrain ribbon. What do you think? I'm thinking the simplicity of the card lends itself to no bow.
So back to the uber simple designs. I was searching for "unique" stamps on the world wide web (I recently read that using that term dates me) last night. You know, a design that could stand on its own and really make a card fantastic without needing much at all. I found this cute retro forest stamp from Sideshow Stamps. Isn't it just screaming to be on a card intended for a nature-loving friend?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Craft Fair to Benefit Annabelle Grace Summers

Hi Friends. I will be participating in a Craft Fair this Friday, November 6th from 5:30-8:30 PM at Eat, Play, Grow. 20% of the proceeds will benefit baby Annabelle, born with Spina Bifida.
I will be selling Baby Taylored items as well as custom tutus.
I hope you can make it! Please visit the Craft Fair blog to get more information, including details on the 15 other local Long Beach moms and their products that will be participating.
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Poem for Allhallow's Eve

A Ghostly Conversation
Smell me,
I rise from rotten ground. . .NO
Taste me,
I am all cold, black air. . .NO
Touch me,
I have no bones, no hair. . .NO
Loot at me,
My sunken eyes, my transparent shroud. . .NO
Listen to me,
Wailing, crying, calling to you. . .NO
Be with me, then,
Allhallow's Eve,
Be with me, pity me,
I have no friend but you. . .
Be with me. . .NO
Halloween Paper Art
When she is no longer covered in baby spit-up or elbow deep in poopy diapers, I will have her give me a tutorial. Until then, enjoy!
p.s. Taylor got to her package before I could take a picture of it, hence the almost-empty box.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Over the Hill and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go!
3 weeks ago the two kids received two very special invitations in the mail:

A sneak peek at the Queen costume...the whole costume will be revealed after Halloween.
Taylor later said to me after I was quoting the Queen, "mommy why would you say that to a child? People are going to think you're a bad mommy." Yeah, you've got a point there Tay. Don't want CPS on my trail!
Taylor later said to me after I was quoting the Queen, "mommy why would you say that to a child? People are going to think you're a bad mommy." Yeah, you've got a point there Tay. Don't want CPS on my trail!
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